Calm Baby

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Calm Baby


Oh little human

The introduction to EVERYTHING

Calm your heart,

Open your mind

Your digestion too!

Bloom my little baby

Be grounded on this new land.

Some flowers for the baby; Chamomile, Rose, Lavender, Milky oats

Some leaves: Nettles

Added some seeds too: Fennel, cumin, coriander.

Start with one of each plant, seeds, and flowers. In a cup or jar—something you can cover.

Pour boiling water over them and experiment with how long you steep and how much Calm baby you add. From here, you can decide based on taste and potency. Only brew what you need at a time.


Start with small drops in a spoon and work your way up to more, experiment with adding hot water to make it warm.

For a bath you can start with a tablespoon. Use the same brewing method for tea and bath.

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This one is too help soothe babies digestive system, calm their minds and nourish their growing bodies.

*These statements and products of this company are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. For educational purposes only.