Moon Cycle

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Moon Cycle


So full of life

Nourished and grounded.

A deep connection to the power inside

I can hold space for myself

Channeling all of creation

To be replenished and guided

To this moment

My womb is my center.

Leaves: Red Raspberry Leaf, Nettles, Holy Basil, Passion flower

Flowers: Rose


To make one cup: add a teaspoon of plants to your favorite tea cup/strainer. Pour boiling water over the herbs, make sure they are all covered, but don’t fill the cup all the way. Let it steep for atleast 20 mins, covered. When you’re ready, strain and add more boiling water to fill up the cup and warm it up.

For an overnight infusion: you can use a jar or infuser teapot. Add 2-4 teaspoons, you can measure with your eyes and pick up the plants with your fingertips. Pour 2-4 cups of boiling water over the herbs; cover your container and let it steep overnight.



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This one is to help ease your moon cycle. This blend will assist you in toning and strengthening the womb to bring you ease during your cycle. Its best to drink it a week before your cycle and during your cycle to nourish and replenish minerals.

*These statements and products of this company are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. For educational purposes only.